Sunday, November 7, 2010

Key factors for effective Islamic teaching and learning.


Islamic society is founded on the principels of belief and righteous be a muslim requires that one’s faith be reflected in one’s practice and daily moral conduct with other people.but many muslims today do not live in accord with the principles and values of their faith.what is amiss?

Islamic religious instruction,in the recent centuries,has benen taught primarily as a body of information,rather than as a body experiences.

The Islamic values education curriculum called for here focuses on personality and charater development of children

Ir we hope to succeed in our goal to raise our children islamically,muslim educators and parents must develop a better understanding of how children grow and learn


The pervasive influence of secular materialism and its value system seriously challenges religious-minded individuals and communities.

Without a proper understanding of the Islamic value system.this essay outlines a new vision of islamc education which is capable of producing muslim youth with level of understanding

This vision,in fact,is not really a “new vision”but rather a”renewed vasion” of Islamic education


The vision of Islamic education presented here makes a fundamental distinction between teching about “islam”and teaching a bout”being muslim

Several assumptions about the nature and scope pf Islamic education under –gird the vision of Islamic education presented here.

In developing our approach,we should not hesitate to benefit from recent educational research.these factors are briefly discussed below.

Effective Islamic teaching and learning must be meaningful.

Effective Islamic teaching and learning must be intergrated.

Most important of all, Effective Islamic teaching and learning must be value-based

Effective Islamic teaching and learning must also be challenging.

Finally. Effective Islamic teaching and learning must also be active.

These are the key factors for effective Islamic teaching and learning.

May be these what I can share for you all.thx

for read..hehe^_^

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