Monday, November 22, 2010

influencing the behavior of muslim youth and their parents

the purpose of this article is to evaluate the factors influencing the behavior of children and how to be modify them so that they grow as model citizens practicing islam in their community
children are very susceptible to any and every has been said "they are like molten cement anything that falls on them makes a lasting impression".the influence of parent5s is high during early(0-8 years,up to 80%),but as the child discovers new friends and ideas.he or she grows independent from the influence of parents.
1.the Amrican scene
the American scene of the behavior of children and adults is changing.while it is diffcult to qualify the behavior at home,the same at school has been 1980 the major problems were drug a buse,alcohol abuse pregnancy,sutcide,rape,robbery,assault,burglary,arson,bombing.we laeve our children at school in such an environment for 30-40 haurs per a week and than expect thwm to develop into angels.while the parents can do little to affect other influences some suggestion can be made in this regard.
keep children in the company of good muslim children after school and during weekends to dilute the unayoidable influence of undesirable elements at school.
2.role of parents in inflenching the behavior of their children
children will become what we want them to be if we are what we want them to be.
love and respect on a mutual basis is our best weapon against all the negative influence on them
children are not born knowing everything right or wrong,they need clear guidelinse about good and bad behavior.
parents should help children make appropriate decisions and responsible for their decisions. parents can communicate with their children
one should avoid getting into this stage of strained communication.
• find a time to talk to our children
• when u argue do it patiently
• practice active listening to each other's view
• refrain fraom sarcasm
• encotrageeach other even in areas of shorcoming
4.influenching the behavior through daily hausehold chores
the purpose of giving them chores about inflants and pre-schoolers?
if nice manners are programed into them before they are introduced to the general population,it is doubful they would get the infection of misbehavior.
6.bill or right for muslim children
• muslim children have the right to lern and practice islam
• they have right to riceve love
• they have right to riceve educate
7.bill rights for muslim parents
• they have right to riceve love
• they have right to riceve educate
• parents hane right to know more about the children

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